Week 6
Good afternoon,
Welcome to Week 6...I can't believe how quickly the term is getting away from us!
Notes - Graduation Dinner, iMovie Night & Adventure World
Thank you to those who have returned notes. If you have any to return, can you please send them in by the due date. I have placed copies of all notes sent home last week on the blog. At this stage you can't print them off directly so please see me if you need another copy.
Mackillop Orientation Day - 25th November - I will put on the blog a copy of the letter (in a separate post) that was sent home by Mr Ben Horrocks a few weeks ago for your reference.
For those students not attending Mackillop in 2016, please note that your child is welcome to stay home and enjoy a day working on their Year Books.
If your child will be coming on the day to OLC on the 25th November, can you please advise me as soon as possible.
Advent Assembly - this Friday 20th November the Year 6 students will be presenting the Week 2 Advent Assembly. A small group of students have been asked to read and were given their parts to practise today. It would be wonderful if any parents that are available to join us do so to celebrate this special time of year.
iMovie Task - please check in with your child and make sure that they are keeping on top of this. I am so excited to see the final products!
Please see the Homework below for Week 6. Please note that due to the iMovie task and Year Books that there is no BTN task assigned for the remainder of the term.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs Delane
Welcome to Week 6...I can't believe how quickly the term is getting away from us!
Notes - Graduation Dinner, iMovie Night & Adventure World
Thank you to those who have returned notes. If you have any to return, can you please send them in by the due date. I have placed copies of all notes sent home last week on the blog. At this stage you can't print them off directly so please see me if you need another copy.
Mackillop Orientation Day - 25th November - I will put on the blog a copy of the letter (in a separate post) that was sent home by Mr Ben Horrocks a few weeks ago for your reference.
For those students not attending Mackillop in 2016, please note that your child is welcome to stay home and enjoy a day working on their Year Books.
If your child will be coming on the day to OLC on the 25th November, can you please advise me as soon as possible.
Advent Assembly - this Friday 20th November the Year 6 students will be presenting the Week 2 Advent Assembly. A small group of students have been asked to read and were given their parts to practise today. It would be wonderful if any parents that are available to join us do so to celebrate this special time of year.
iMovie Task - please check in with your child and make sure that they are keeping on top of this. I am so excited to see the final products!
Please see the Homework below for Week 6. Please note that due to the iMovie task and Year Books that there is no BTN task assigned for the remainder of the term.
Spelling – LSCWC & Phonological Activity
Reading – RAZ Kids
Maths – Times Tables App – 5 minutes max. This score is to be written into
their diary.
Origo Practice Book
Complete Module 10.2 on Page 82
iMovie Library Task – Work through each task as outlined on Showbie.
Spelling – LSCWC & Visual Activity
Reading – 10-15 minutes. Write in their diary and have it signed.
Mathletics – Complete assigned tasks if time.
iMovie Library Task
– Work through each task as outlined on Showbie.
Spelling – LSCWC & Morphemic Activity
Reading – RAZ Kids
Maths – Times Tables App – 5 minutes max. This score is to be written into
their diary.
Origo Practice Book
Complete Module 10.4 on Page 84
iMovie Library Task
– Work through each task as outlined on Showbie.
Spelling – LSCWC & Etymological Activity.
Reading – 10-15 minutes. Write in their diary and have it signed.
Mathletics – Complete assigned tasks if time.
iMovie Library Task
– Work through each task as outlined on Showbie.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs Delane